Platform updates: User Management & Drone Footage

We are excited to tell you more about the User Management feature of our C-SITE platform. This functionality allows your organization to easily and flexibly manage user roles and access. And from now on, you can also very easily find your drone images on our platform.

User Management

Log in as usual and go to My C-Site | Projects | Users (or directly from this link:

You see this tab only if you are admin of a company or project. If you do not have admin rights, the Users tab is not visible.

Four user profiles

How can you add users?

How can you delete users?

How can you change a user's role?

Important note on access

It can happen that a user has been given explicit access to a project as a project member, but at the same time has access as a company member. When removing an access, it is best to double check that all accesses have actually been removed.

Automatic account linking and activation

Our system is designed to minimize your administrative burden:

What does this mean for your organization?

With this streamlined approach, you can:

Drone footage

Now you can view, download and share your drone photos and videos with stakeholders through the C-Site platform. This way you have all the footage of your project at your fingertips. 

Easily found via My C-Site | Projects | Drone Footage.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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